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Management Skills

Vision. Stick to your vision. Focus on priorities.

Achievement. Make agendas to achieve your goal.

Communicate. Write down what you like to get out of the job and communicate it clearly to your employees.

Privacy. If the job does not get done the way you like it discuss the issues in private with the person in charge. Give them the clear vision of what you like them to do. ( Praise people aloud, Criticize in private )            

Responsibility. When employees won't fulfill their responsibility. Ask them if they know what the job, responsibilities, deadlines and demands are. Send them to training. Give them chance to correct the situation the way it needs to be done. If not simply give them notice and replace hem with the productive people.

Mavericks. Sometimes you need mavericks to show you different point of views. Keep positive mavericks around. Don't sweat your critics.

Career /Business