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Learn to Handle Stress at work

Everyone has stress. It's how you handle it which makes all the difference.
We experience stress over issues relating to our jobs. We may feel pressured to get the work done, or worried about losing our jobs. 
We stew over conflicts and misunderstandings with team members. We might find the work too difficult or not challenging enough.

Besides stress directly related to our jobs, we come to work with worries and concerns about other aspects of our lives. Difficulties with children, sick parents, tight finances and lack of free time are common problems for working people. 
If we deal with stress poorly, we can pay the price in ill health, accidents, inability to concentrate on our work and unhappiness.

Here are some tips for handling stress, both at work and off the job:

* Decide what you can and can't do something about.
You can't do much about the economic climate of the world, but you might be able to help your company survive hard times.
You don't have much time over whether an ill relative will survive, but you might be able to create a meaningful relationship with the person during your remaining time together.

* If there is nothing you can do about a problem, learn to let it go.
There is no use getting an ulcer or high blood pressure by worrying about something you can't control.

* Speak up.
If something is bothering you talk about it. If someone else is doing something which is disturbing you, let the person know. You don't have to get angry or aggressive - Just assert yourself.

* Take some quiet time for yourself everyday.
This isn't easy, but it pays off. Use this time to sort out what is and isn't important, and to look for solutions to problems. Even on the busiest of days, it may be possible to get a few minutes alone early in the morning or late at night.

* Take some time everyday for fun too.
Spending even fifteen minutes a day on a special hobby you enjoy can make it easier to deal with everything else going on in your life.

* Take good care of yourself physically. 
Get enough sleep and rest. Eat a healthy diet of regular meals. Exercise regularly, at least several times a week. Good health habits are an effective defense against stress.

* Take control of your life. 
Learn to stay organized and manage your time. Do the most important things first and leave the rest if you have to. Effective time management can get rid of that stressful feeling of being in a hurry all the time.

* Learn some relaxation techniques.
Concentrating on deep breathing, using muscle relaxation techniques or visualization a tranquil scene are all effective ways of shaking off stress and anxiety.

Stress is a normal part of life.
Some stress is necessary to provide the incentive to get things done, but excessive stress can be harmful to your health and your work abilities. Learn to manage your problems effectively with the help of stress management techniques.

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