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Staying Healthy, Fit & Beautiful

Staying healthy and fit for your own body. Not size 3 model on the cover of the magazines .

Recognizing our genes. Loving ourselves the way we are. Then nourish it like a child. Paying close attention to what our body tell us.

Balance your diet by eating a little bit of everything. A good balance of fruits, vegetables, bread, meat, nuts, & etc. The key to stay fit is variety.

Avoid consuming too much caffeine, sugar, fat, salt, preservatives.

Moderate exercise. Walk, run, swim, dance, anything to adopt to your lifestyle regularly.

Take care of your brain and soul as well as your body. Read books, get together with friends, share your good thoughts with them.

Smile, laugh, get massages, light candles, join cooking clubs, do some gardening, be positive.

Motivate yourself, get involve with volunteer work, charities, take motivational courses.

Super busy? Take long baths, relax, use cooking & laundry as a therapy to think and breath.

Learn and adopt the things that agree with you.

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What's love got to do with it? first step toward a better living and staying fit

Look your Best.


Prescription EXERCISE,. get fit for life

Exercise Recommendation for weight control

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